Sunday, August 26, 2012

How Quickly I Forget..

.. what the beginning of the year is like! 3 days in and its all coming back to me now! lol! I made this poster (inspired by Pinterest of course) for my carpet.

I plan on making eye contact and pointing to the expected behavior, rather than sounding like a record.. "sit criss cross, applesauce", "stop braiding her hair", "keep your shoes on", "I can't hear you when you all shout at once" and my personal favorite "take your fingers out of your ears we are not having a fire drill today!"

You can download your own copy {free} HERE :)

WHEW! I know this week *has* to be better right? :)


  1. I love your poster! The beginning of the year is so different from the end of the year!

  2. I really like the Rug Rules poster. I'm one of your newest followers.

    Mr. Michelbook's Classroom
